Friday, October 14, 2011

Something to Think About

Whether it's the best of times or
the worst of times--it's the only time we've got. ~Art Buchwald

Did you know that the choices you make over the next few days will have a major impact on the direction your life takes?
Please don't let indecisiveness limit your chances to excel.
It will take hard work, that coupled with originality and ingenuity--but if you are willing to think outside the box, all this will help you.

I can help you, but so long as you see me as part of the problem
(not as I really am) I will remain so as part of your perception.

Actually, I am part of the solution (if you are willing to go there).

Realize your self worth and believe in your path.
Be content with what is.
Be proud. You've survived more difficult situations, I assure you.
Choose. Make better choices.
Take responsibility for your decisions.
Drop your worries.

By constantly bashing yourself over what you did and did not do--
and worrying incessantly about every little single thing that has occurred, are you aware that you are missing out on the happiness that you could have had all along?

Determine what sets you apart.
Your mission is to create a reason for being here.

Believe in yourself.
Believe in your decisions.
It all had to happen in order for you to be here, now.

Stay positive.
Keep moving forward.
Accept and love yourself.
Be kind to yourself and your life will be a whole lot brighter as you cease to blame yourself for actually living.

So, you made bad choices.
So, you let yourself and others down.
Isn't that Life 101?

Time to live more consciously.
Events and people are lessons.
There are no mistakes.

You matter.
Know that you are adored.

And after all is said and done--
It doesn't really matter what I think or what it is I have to tell you.
What matters is how you think.
Where you find meaning. How you frame this experience.

And though I can not change your mind,
or take away the fear you are feeling--
Just know that indeed, it all happens for a reason.

I can not get you to change your mind.
Only you are capable of shifting your thoughts.

When the unexpected occurs--
it's best to let it go.
Remain calm and carry on--
And be grateful to have had the chance to express who you are.

Even if it goes against the mainstream,
against popular belief and convention.

Because you were brave enough to think outside the box
for a time--
I am irrevocably changed for the better, because I had the
opportunity to be connected to you. If ever so briefly.

I am so grateful you found me.