Friday, August 26, 2011

Calm in the Face of a Storm

Interestingly, I find myself sitting across a person who is blowing a head gasket. They are animated, red faced, huffing and puffing. I suspect this is most likely their nature, yet at the same time I can see the frustration mounting as I refuse to play the game.

I will not become hysterical, nor teary eyed at the commentary. Oh, I can listen perfectly well to what you are saying.

My taking notes, and mirroring your statements has you taking pot shots at my integrity, my behavior, my vernacular and my race.

So what? I articulate when I am ready. I respond in kind as I see fit.
This may come as a surprise, but I have news for you. I have freewill.

I choose to remain calm in the face of your storm.
Omnipotent as you may believe you are in your role as superior human being
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble.

Yes, I may have caused some distraction, and yes--I admit there are two sides to every story. But it's clear tact and diplomacy are not your strong suits. And the reason you are having difficulty communicating with me is two fold. Firstly--you are having a temper tantrum, and secondly this conversation is more a rant.

Bash me as you will.
List my infractions.
Carry on as you will.
You may be god in your domain.
You may believe your own lies.
You may be just as ugly inside as on the outside.
You may be triggered, and angry and pissed off.

Kindly, I will let you be. You've insulted me enough for the both of us.
Thank you for everything.
The truth does indeed, set you free.